It's clear from what he writes that he sees himself as a dangerous and undesirable individual, alone and outcast. Dylan's entries, spanning from 1997 to 1999, tend toward depression, romantic prose, and self-loathing. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Dylan Klebold Diary book. Bei der Bluttat an der Columbine-Schule in Littleton im US-Bundesstaat Colorado hatten Eric Harris, 18, und Dylan Klebold, 17, am 20. This batch runs from the Existences cover to an entry full of 'fuck' and 'suicide.' "I think I still make of it what I did at that time. Dylan Klebold's entire journal scanned/reproduced in 3 web pages--summary here. Explore a Decade of Dave Cullen's Research. Dylan Bennet Klebold was born on September 11, 1981, in Lakewood, Colorado, to Thomas and Sue Klebold.
Dylan Klebold's writing. Includes scans of actual school papers like Charles Manson report, notebook and journal entries and more. Dylan Klebold's Journal First 15 Pages. A lot of misinformation was circulated and treated as fact before anyone had seen the diary first-hand save the people who found it and the officers who confiscated it. March 1997-October 1997. Die Täter der 18-jährige Eric Harris und der 17-jährige Dylan Klebold hatten den Massenmord monatelang vorbereitet und nicht als Amoklauf, sondern als Bombenanschlag auf ihre Schule geplant, bei dem mehrere hundert Menschen sterben sollten. Ab Januar 1997 begaben Harri… Aufgrund eines technischen Fehlers explodierten die von ihnen zu diesem Zweck in der Schulcafeteria platzierten Bomben jedoch nicht, weshalb sie ihren Plan spontan änderten und begannen, auf ihre Mitschüler zu schießen. Dylan Klebold’s Journal and Other Writings Transcribed and annotated by Peter Langman, Ph.D. See also the complete journal of Eric Harris. Am 20. The correction offers two benefits. In der Columbine High School töteten sie 13 Menschen und begingen Selbstmord. There was a lot of controversy over the journals, notebooks and plans written by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold regarding the assault on Columbine. Dylan's journal is not as angry and rebellious as that of Eric Harris. The Columbine Guide. April 1999 wollten Eric Harris und Dylan Klebold sterben – und möglichst viele Mitschüler mitnehmen. Sue Klebold. The Columbine Guide. This transcription has corrected Dylan’s writing to some extent in terms of spelling, punctua-tion, and capitalization (the words Dylan invented or used in unusual ways are left as he wrote them and have been set in bold). On the day after the shooting, Klebold's mother remembered that shortly after Klebold's birth, she described what felt like a shadow had been cast over her, warning her that this child would bring her great sorrow.