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Le fort de Breendonk ou fort de Breendonck,,, situé dans la commune de Willebroeck, non loin de la localité homonyme qui elle se trouve dans la commune de Puers-Saint-Amand, à une vingtaine de kilomètres au sud d’ Anvers, a servi de camp de concentration (Auffanglager) durant la … Fort of Breendonk before WWII Fort Breendonk is sadly best known for the horror that took place there during World War II, but it was built right before World War I as part of the second ring of defenses around the city of Antwerp.

Those who arrive around 2 pm have 2 hours to finish their visit, the closure is at 4 pm.

Es stand im Ersten Weltkrieg unter Beschuss der deutschen Artillerie.

Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde es im Rahmen des Westfeldzuges im Mai 1940 von der Wehrmacht erobert und diente bis zur Befreiung als Auffanglager für inhaftierte Regimegegner. With the support of. During these corona times, the National Memorial of Breendonk site will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and the opening hours have also been provisionally adjusted, allowing visitors to make reservations from 10 am to 2 pm. There were the heroes and the false, the tormentors and their victims. Jahrhunderts errichtete Festung bei Willebroek in Belgien. About National Memorial Fortress of Breendonk. However it is not its role in World War I for which it is infamous, but as the Nazi … A maximum of 50 visitors per hour is allowed. Avec le soutien de.

A page in World War II history. National Memorial of the Fortress of Breendonk is a museum in Willebroek in Belgium. Fort Breendonk (Dutch: Fort van Breendonk, French: Fort de Breendonk) is a former military installation at Breendonk, near Mechelen, in Belgium which served as a Nazi prison camp (Auffanglager) during the German occupation of Belgium during World War II. Das Fort Breendonk ist eine Anfang des 20. Fort Breendonk: The national Memorial of the Fortress of Breendonk: Met de steun van. National Memorial of the Fortress of Breendonk, an exceptional and unique site of its kind. After heavy bombardment, it was eventually captured. A camp where many Belgians became victims of the Nazi horror.

Fort Breendonk (Dutch: Fort van Breendonk, French: Fort de Breendonk) was originally built between 1906 and 1913 as a military fortification in Breendonk, near Mechelen in Belgium, part of the National Redoubt defence line.